Friday, September 28, 2007

Roda @ Camps Bay: May 2007.

This is UCT Capoeira at its best. (May Workshops with Mestre Paulo and Contra-Mestre Lucas. One of the best rodas I have participated in.

Friday, September 21, 2007

A new insight!!!

If you are following this blog you will have noticed that I changed the title to A Roda de Capoeira.

I have lately been thinking a lot about Capoeira which means I was also thinking about the path that I will take in life. Consider when you are playing in a roda, you are surrounded by the rhythm that guides your movements, the commentary that encourages, or makes a mockery of your game, all in good faith. Also consider your thought patterns, your reactions. Your orientation in this microcosm of the world is constantly changing. The participants of the roda demarcate the space you play. I guess that most exhilarating thing is the uncertainty of what is going to happen next. We can't dwell on events past nor can we try to anticipate future events. One can only live in the present, the instant. One can only react to whats coming at that instant and as quickly as it came, its is gone and is in the past. Thus it is important to live in the now and present. To live in this state, one does not worry about the future, but they surely learn from the past whether it is good or bad. I guess the future is influenced by the decisions one makes in the now. How good or bad those decisions will determine an appropriate outcome.

See how Capoeira teaches us so many things all from a little jogo enclosed by a circle. I love Capoeira!

(Insprired by Nestor Capoeira's Book, Capoeira: Roots of the Dance Fight Game."

Sunday, September 09, 2007

Leadership in Capoeira!!!

Looking into this subject and after my brief exposure to Capoeira, I have been fortunate to be exposed to individuals who are driven to spread the message of Capoeira and dedicate themselves to teaching it, even though they have little experience with teaching it.

Unfortunately I have also been exposed to the bad which is very unfortunate, but none the less it has exposed weaknesses and strengths in the structures that regulate the development of Capoeira. Referring back to the post "Capoeira belongs to you..." I was forced to understand that some people so not share the same goal/vision for the growth of Capoeira in our region, or rather the have not thought it out. Maybe they do not realize the responsibility that rests on there shoulders or simply that they do not care.

While a leader is entrusted with the care of a group, he/she not only watches over the training of Capoeira, but they have to be deeply involved in the day to day business of its administration, Public Relations, Promotion and networking etc. Inevitably this individual is an example to his/her students or group members in which he displays the essence of Capoeira in his personal life or business. Most importantly the energy he/she projects is reflected in his group.

I hope I am making sense. This is a subject that continues to challenge me and I am sure it always will.


Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Capoeira Belongs to You!

The state of Capoeira is very confusing. The more I learn about the art-form and the more I explore its history, I start to see how individuals are praised, talked and sung about in various Capoeira songs. Take for example Mestre Pastinha is famous for the style of Angola and Mestre Bimba, the style of Regional. It is interesting to see that although these two masters who practiced 'Capoeira' before its designation of Angola or Regional; they played it similarly i.e. its movements. However when asked what Capoeira was to them, they had completely different views on the subject and the way it was taught. Just look at how from these two masters, their apprentices play Capoeira differently, in a different styles, either grouped into Angola or Regional.

After looking at different groups you start to notice that each group plays differently and if one person form a certain groups decides he is ready to start his or her own school, the style of Capoeira in this new group is different from his parent group. Essentially Capoeira thus is part of the individual and he/she takes that unique experience wherever they go. Mestre Pastinha once said that 'No one plays like me.' He got it right. No one ever plays the same, (except robots.) Thus Capoeira resides in the person. It belongs to you, whether your teaching structure falls apart one has to realize your growth in Capoeira depends solely on yourself and no one else. Sure it is easier to have help on the side, however to develop yourself the journey (training) is to prepare 'yourself' for what ever situation comes your way.


Wednesday, May 16, 2007

I'm back!

Well I thought I was out of the game, but now I am back. Well what revelations do I have now. Ahh yes, Why do you do Capoeira?

What a phenomenal question. When this was posed to me by my soldier hommies, I almost did not have an answer. As much as I did not understand it at first, 'Capoeira belongs to you.' (Thanks Pinocchio.) Further Professor said he does Capoeira coz his friends are still doing it.

I realized how simple the reason has to be. Coupled with Pinocchio's thoughts, I enjoy Capoeira coz of the friends I have made around me. I have people that depend on me, that look up to me and well that is why I still do Capoeira. I do it for people like Gaby (Thanks Gabs) I am still in it because well I love each time I sing, pick up a berimbau, samba with my 2 left feet and the intensity of a heated game. Yes I even love floeiros.

O jogo de Capoeira, brincadeira, malicia; these are all qualities that we could have in our lives.


Tuesday, April 24, 2007

The Great Plateau

I am sure every Capoeirista goes through the period of what they perceive as no growth, no inspiration, no catalyst for the yearning that they feel. Unfortunately this can turn into negative energy and all Capoeristas must know what that can do to a class or even worse a roda.

What do you do to pick your self up? What do you do to make sure that this does not spread to your mates? What do you do to stop it before it starts to strain relationships? Meu camara Pinocchio says Capoeira belongs to you. As such if Capoeira belongs to you, then it is up to you to make sure you do not spread negative vibes to your mates. It starts and ends with you. The fact the a class feels down means someone came with frown on their face to class. I admit I do it also. Sometimes it can't be helped. So what is the other option.

Well one Capoeira instructor mentioned that when he teaches he is the lucky one. While those he teaches gain knowledge, he also takes a piece of everyone he teaches. So if he teaches 30 people, he learns from 30 people. Guess who is the lucky one. What I am trying to drive at is that the peeps around can help to put you in a better mood. Why by the time you leave you are literally infected with the positive energy around you.

To alleviate this Great Plateau look for inspiration around you. It is abundant, but most of all prepare to work to get to the next plateau. The higher you go the harder it gets, but the reward is so much sweeter.

Thursday, March 15, 2007

The Rock

Right, I know that I have been out of the game for quite a while, but this day that is my Birthday I have been enlightened if you will about the shear amount of work that I have to accomplish to become the being I want to be.

Why the title of this blog entry is called the Rock? Well my friend Gaby calls me that. Before I would brush this aside coz I believe I am only a small part of the bigger whole. But then it hit me. She called me the rock for a reason. To be called the rock one has to be solid, almost the foundation if you will. No foundation means everything built on top of it will fall. I other words this rock is entrusted with looking after the structure built on top of it.

I am humbled to be thought of this way. I only want the best for people because we all develop from our endeavours to the same cause. Further engagement with the cause means the discipline and its disciples continue to grow and evolve and thus nurture new Rocks.

This and many more events have led to a different way of thinking.

Little do they know is that they are my rock, my inspiration, my reason to be the best that I can be. I would not be the person I am today if I did not have such people around me.

My resolution; to be the stronger and to persevere through all that hurts and pains. After all the experience of it all prepares me for the perils of this world.

Muito axe