Tuesday, April 24, 2007

The Great Plateau

I am sure every Capoeirista goes through the period of what they perceive as no growth, no inspiration, no catalyst for the yearning that they feel. Unfortunately this can turn into negative energy and all Capoeristas must know what that can do to a class or even worse a roda.

What do you do to pick your self up? What do you do to make sure that this does not spread to your mates? What do you do to stop it before it starts to strain relationships? Meu camara Pinocchio says Capoeira belongs to you. As such if Capoeira belongs to you, then it is up to you to make sure you do not spread negative vibes to your mates. It starts and ends with you. The fact the a class feels down means someone came with frown on their face to class. I admit I do it also. Sometimes it can't be helped. So what is the other option.

Well one Capoeira instructor mentioned that when he teaches he is the lucky one. While those he teaches gain knowledge, he also takes a piece of everyone he teaches. So if he teaches 30 people, he learns from 30 people. Guess who is the lucky one. What I am trying to drive at is that the peeps around can help to put you in a better mood. Why by the time you leave you are literally infected with the positive energy around you.

To alleviate this Great Plateau look for inspiration around you. It is abundant, but most of all prepare to work to get to the next plateau. The higher you go the harder it gets, but the reward is so much sweeter.