Friday, September 21, 2007

A new insight!!!

If you are following this blog you will have noticed that I changed the title to A Roda de Capoeira.

I have lately been thinking a lot about Capoeira which means I was also thinking about the path that I will take in life. Consider when you are playing in a roda, you are surrounded by the rhythm that guides your movements, the commentary that encourages, or makes a mockery of your game, all in good faith. Also consider your thought patterns, your reactions. Your orientation in this microcosm of the world is constantly changing. The participants of the roda demarcate the space you play. I guess that most exhilarating thing is the uncertainty of what is going to happen next. We can't dwell on events past nor can we try to anticipate future events. One can only live in the present, the instant. One can only react to whats coming at that instant and as quickly as it came, its is gone and is in the past. Thus it is important to live in the now and present. To live in this state, one does not worry about the future, but they surely learn from the past whether it is good or bad. I guess the future is influenced by the decisions one makes in the now. How good or bad those decisions will determine an appropriate outcome.

See how Capoeira teaches us so many things all from a little jogo enclosed by a circle. I love Capoeira!

(Insprired by Nestor Capoeira's Book, Capoeira: Roots of the Dance Fight Game."

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