Thursday, November 27, 2008

The prodigal son returns!

So! It has been a full year since I last posted something to this blog. Call it a lack of inspiration, a lack of initiative or the famed writers block, this has been a busy year for me. You may ask, what do I have to show for it? Well a new insight and all things that relate to the wonderful world we live in. Let me fill you in on the happenings of the year.
The beginning of the saw saw Mestre Bogado and Mestre Santana visit our shores and the UCT Capoeira group for the 2nd time. I advanced in my grading system (a discription of which will follow later) and I represented the group as a trainee instructor. The event was somewhat well attended and the new kids on the block also got a feel of Capoeira from Brazil. As always Mestre Bogado had a lot of knowledge to impart on the group and Pinokio (collegue) and I were given a bit of a hard time, but all in good faith. Mestre Santana's energy infected all around us, and a song that he sang stuck to me. In all Mestre Bogado noticed an improvement in the group and this was pleasing to note.
Contra-mestre Polegar visits UCT Capoeira
Well we had an unexpected visitor to our group, Contra-mestre Polegar (now Mestre Polegar ) from Grupo Capoeira Angola Palmares. The most amazing Capoeirista with a deep love for Capoeira and moves to show for it as well. My first game with him was lets say very one sided :) His approach to the game is simple, effective, well timed, playful and respectful. His energy went on to infect Casa da Capoeira and groups in Mozambique (a quick You Tube search will show you what I am talking about). I think the most important thing I learnt from his visit was the multi dimensional, multifaceted approaches that exist to the game of Capoeira. The way an individual uses Capoeira to express him- or her-self gives that dynamic that is unpredictable and as such is most effective for an individual. A thought comes to mind in that people train Capoeira for various reasons. This purpose is what determines the effectiveness of the artform to the individual.
I hope to meet this guy again soon. I have a score to settle with him in this game.
Contra-Mestre Salles visits UCT Capoeira
This blog represents my thoughts on Capoeira and this visit by Contra-Mestre Salles was poorly attended by the UCT Capoeira club. I think back and I realise that "Capoeira chooses you!" Even with 4 people in attendance, Salles said "Lets train, this is what I came for." It turned out to be one of the best workshops I have been to in a while. Salles approach to the game, Chow! Funny I know, but this is a necessary aspect of the game to address. Not everyone plays nice and for some it is a fight, a Martial art (Will follow up on this topic in the near future). So things like efficiency and dealing with hostile situations is an important part of the game. We had long chats as well about Capoeira in the region and the "politics that exist. Maybe I will touch on this topic as well soon, but what did become evident is the need of a collective understanding of the way forward for the growth of the artform. Unfortunately, there is all this baggage that dates back the 30's that needs to be understood and taken in to account before any strategy is put forward. This will definitely be a major post for another day. The weekend Salles was here was well utilized and the lessons haves stuck ever since.
UCT Capoeira! Where to from here?
UCT Capoeira is under new management as they say, the era of the Soldiers has passed and a new era begins. This is not the platform give my thoughts in the direction of UCT Capoeira, so I shan't do so here. I guess I should change the heading above; but I won't. I still think that UCT Capoeira is an important node for Capoeira in the Cape. As such, Capoeira in this region will benefit greatly from the efforts of the club. As for me..... I don't know. Stay tuned to find out!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey, I am checking this blog using the phone and this appears to be kind of odd. Thought you'd wish to know. This is a great write-up nevertheless, did not mess that up.

- David