Monday, July 03, 2006

The Teacher/Caxinguele Relationship.

Wow, I was just reading this persons blog about the Teacher/Student relationship in Capoeira (see this link)


How true it is that one can not learn Capoeira on their own. One can lack the motivation to train individually (as has been the case with myself) and one can get frustrated with the learning process especially if it invloves repetition, or simulation game situations with no partner/target in front of you.

Since Capoeira is a free artform in that a lot of combinations of movements can be put together, it becomes evident how difficult it is to teach Capoeira. Only when one commits themselves fully to be a disciple of the artform will the teacher/advanced student invest time in them. This is true for any discipline, whether academic/physical/spiritual or otherwise. As said in the blog (see above link) a line drawn on it's own will lose track of where it is going and veer of its target destination, however many lines that run parallel will guide this line in the right path.

Isn't that cool! Thus it is important to help each other when we can, to keep each other encouraged, to be the guide when the other has lost the path.

Muito axe.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow what an awesome metaphor, and how true it is! i have often found myself spiralling this way and taht in frustration and confusion until someone with the skill and knowledge can tip you off gently and put you straight... kadima! (which means 'forward') and thanks for all the help:)