The Cape Town Capoeira Community welcomed Contra-Mestre Espirrinho, from Cordao de Ouro. Clearly the Capoeira community was craving an enriching Capoeira experience as they thronged the Karate Dojo, temporary home of Cordao de Ouro South Africa.
The classes led by the guest teacher covered basics in various levels of difficulty. Armada, Meia lua de Compasso, bencao and passa frente where the movements focussed on during the 2 hour session. For most of us, it felt like coming back into Capoeira after months or years of ill practise. This was clearly evident in the roda following the session. Most said they felt it hard to cope with the tempo of the young master, who easily flowed and connected each movement in his vocabulary of movements.
Espirrinho further held down the roda musically. Clearly he is gifted musically effortlessy guiding the roda where people sang to their hearts content. “Eh Parane eh parana, parana, parane eeeeh Parana,” went the roda and it felt like people were longing to go to Parana. Eish I felt my heart lift and I quickly forgot that I had not played in a long time. I felt like I could play like I did at my peak. Not that I have ever peaked in my Capoeira career, but it sure felt like I had a peak at some point.
But the contra-mestre’s arrival into South Africa had me question, what the whole development plan for Capoeira in the country? Capoeira has been in South Africa roughly 15 years when it sprouted in Cape Town and in Johannesburg. Since then, we have seen relationships built and destroyed and people coming and going. What remains is a core group of Capoeiristas that do not have a link or a relationship that collectively develops Capoeira in the region. The question arises then, how do we develop such relations that effectively develop and grow the art? How do we tap in the knowledge of the contra-mestre who is here indefinitely so that it contributes to the greater whole of Capoeira in the greater Southern Africa?
Well last Friday, the 5th of February 2010 saw Abada host its 1st Aulao of the year. For those not in the know, this is a monthly gathering of all the Abada classes in Cape Town at the main class in Observatory in Cape Town. Other Capoeira groups are invited to this modest mass gathering and well it’s your opportunity to test your Capoeira with your fellow class mates and visitors who happen to pitch up. I happened to come in late (eish Capoerista time) and boy the feeling of that roda leaked through the wall as I approached the venue. To my surprise, the Contra Mestre was on the berimbau with head instructor of Abada. I will just say the roda was absolutely amazing. It has been a while since I have heard people sing the way they did, play the way they played. The roda swayed to the hypnotic berimbau rhythms, some I have never heard in my short Capoeira life, and heads bobbed in the typical hip-hop head culture. And one point the whole roda refused to commence play choosing to sing along to popular Capoeira tracks. People could not help but smile away. I felt content and despite my long absence from Capoeira, I felt like I had been playing all along without a break. I genuinely felt the power of unity within Capoeira.
I guess if there was any apprehension to the arrival of the Contra-Mestre, it has been allayed. With a common goal in mind, the Contra-Mestre will add great value to the Capoeira in South Africa.
(Check out some more pics at the Facebook Roda Club!)