Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Capoeira Belongs to You!

The state of Capoeira is very confusing. The more I learn about the art-form and the more I explore its history, I start to see how individuals are praised, talked and sung about in various Capoeira songs. Take for example Mestre Pastinha is famous for the style of Angola and Mestre Bimba, the style of Regional. It is interesting to see that although these two masters who practiced 'Capoeira' before its designation of Angola or Regional; they played it similarly i.e. its movements. However when asked what Capoeira was to them, they had completely different views on the subject and the way it was taught. Just look at how from these two masters, their apprentices play Capoeira differently, in a different styles, either grouped into Angola or Regional.

After looking at different groups you start to notice that each group plays differently and if one person form a certain groups decides he is ready to start his or her own school, the style of Capoeira in this new group is different from his parent group. Essentially Capoeira thus is part of the individual and he/she takes that unique experience wherever they go. Mestre Pastinha once said that 'No one plays like me.' He got it right. No one ever plays the same, (except robots.) Thus Capoeira resides in the person. It belongs to you, whether your teaching structure falls apart one has to realize your growth in Capoeira depends solely on yourself and no one else. Sure it is easier to have help on the side, however to develop yourself the journey (training) is to prepare 'yourself' for what ever situation comes your way.