These Bombaclats sp never fail to make my day. With them there is an understanding that we must push our selves to get better. A year later after I met them, you need to see how we are playing. NB one of them looks really cool in the background after sprucing up the picture a bit.
What Can I say, Zoadoara is crazy. I shall miss her as her time at Uni comes to a close. The shirt says it all. See you in Brazil y'all.

I spruced up this picture of Lexeiro or as Mesh B would say, "Alexi" (the i is silent", my partner in crime in Cape Town. What would Cappa be with out her.
First up, The Zim Contingent. As you can clearly see they all graded to expectation in our rocking t-shirts especially that punk in the "cord of gold" as I like to call it. Hommies for life.